How do I get involved?
Find one of the registration pads in one of our worship services and let us know who you are and how we can help you and your family or stop by the welcome desk and someone will be happy to help you find your way around and get plugged in.
Which worship service do I attend?
Our contemporary service is at 10:45 am and has an upbeat, high energy feel. Our traditional service is at 8:30am and is distinguished by hymns and liturgy.
Where do my kids go?
We have a staffed nursery for kids age 4 and under during all worship services. For all the kids through the 5th grade, we have a place for them in Children's Ministry. Additionally, a cry room is available if you wish. But, children are welcome in worship.

How can I become a member?
We are always excited about welcoming newcomers into the life of the church. You can join St. Paul by contacting Pastor Mark Bunch at [email protected] or (409) 735-5546.